“We were hitched for quite a long time. We were dearest companions. It was extremely hard,” she tells Individuals of Jan, with whom she shared a 26-year-old child.


In August, Individuals affirmed that Jan died of an unexpected cardiovascular failure. He was 74 at that point. Margaret, 55, shared her sadness in an Instagram post.

“Today would have been Jan’s 75th birthday celebration,” composed Margaret, close by a high contrast photograph of her ex. “He died startlingly last week and a piece of us died with him.”

Addressing Individuals at BravoCon 2022, Margaret portions of her lamenting cycle: “I sat shiva at my home. It’s been hard.

It has been hard on the grounds that there’s a great deal of my own life I don’t uncover. Also, it’s extremely difficult to lose the dad of your kids, in any case in the event that you’re hitched or not.”

She proceeds, “So it’s been a close to home time for our family, and we as a whole disappeared together.

— Sci24H (@scienceLeMagazi) October 16, 2022

I required off the whole month of September, and that was extremely unique that we could be together, and I have wonderful recollections and he was quite possibly of my dearest companion and that is the thing I clutch.” She likewise draws a difference between her life as seen on RHONJ and the one she imparts to her loved ones.

“I’m defensive over that extremely exceptional piece of my life,” she makes sense of.  “I need to keep that protected on the grounds that all the other things is up for assault and grain and all the other things, which I regard since I picked this stage — yet my kids didn’t and they’re developed grown-ups, and I need to regard that for them.”

Margaret and Jan were hitched in 1994 and separated from almost 20 years after the fact, in 2013. Notwithstanding their choice to part, Margaret shared that they stayed dear companions.

“He was my family,” she composed. “Jan was an astonishing dad, granddad, companion, [and] accomplice to his better half.

He cherished everybody genuinely. He cherished Motown, sorting out and Italian food, however most he adored his loved ones.” In 2021, Margaret got serious about her family — which to a great extent came from her union with Jan. As she arranged to deliver her journal, Caviar Dreams, Fish Spending plan: How to Get by in Business and Life, Margaret shared insights regarding her youngsters — three stage kids from her union with Jan, as well as one organic child — that weren’t already open information.

“I had a 20-year union with my most memorable spouse, I have a characteristic born child individuals have hardly any insight into,” she said in a discussion on The Wendy Williams Show.

“Everyone generally thought I never had kids yet I have my own child.” In 2018, she likewise opened up to Individuals about why she took full care of Jan’s three youngsters.

“They required somebody to cherish them and I was totally fixated on them,” Margaret said of the children, who are currently in their 40s.

“And afterward we had my child and they were as long as I can remember.”

Margaret became alienated from her three stage kids when she separated from Jan and wedded Joe Benigno.