Mali was the biggest maker of gold on the planet during his rule. Also, he has been viewed as one of the richest verifiable figures. His different names are “Kankou Musa”, “Kankan Musa”, “Kanku Musa”, “Mali-Koy Kankan Musa”, “Gonga Musa” and “the Lion of Mali”. He likewise helped his realm arrive at enormous development by empowering expressions of the human experience, writing, and design.

However he is viewed as the most extravagant man ever, the richest individual of the Middle Ages, there is no exact method to evaluate his abundance.

Mansa Musa was born in 1280. He was born in the Mali Empire. He was born to father, Faga Laye. Data about his mom isn’t accessible. As per Ibn-Khaldun’s thorough history of the Malian lords, Musa’s granddad was Abu-Bakr Keita. His religion was Islam. His journey to Mecca made him notable across northern Africa and the Middle East.

Musa’s granddad Abu-Bakr didn’t rise the seat and his dad Faga has no importance in the History of Mali.

Musa went to the seat through an act of designating an agent when a ruler goes on his journey to Mecca or another undertaking, and later naming the appointee as beneficiary.

Mali Empire at the hour of Musa’s passing.

He was delegated representative of Abubakari Keita II. The ruler before him left on an endeavor to investigate the restrictions of the Atlantic Ocean and stayed away forever.

Musa became Mansa in 1312.

The Mali Empire comprised of land that is presently important for Mauritania and the cutting edge territory of Mali.

He made his journey somewhere in the range of 1324 and 1325. His parade included 60,000 men, all wearing brocade and Persian silk, including 12,000 slaves. Every one of the slaves conveyed 1.8 kg of gold bars and envoys. His parade additionally included 80 camels which each conveyed 23-136 kg of gold residue.

Musa would give the gold to the helpless he met along his course to Mecca. He likewise exchanged gold for keepsakes. He fabricated a mosque each Friday.

He controlled the cost of gold in the Mediterranean.

He got back from Mecca in 1325. He brought back numerous Arabian researchers and engineers.

He assembled a few mosques and madrasas in Timbuktu and Gao, generally remarkable, Sankore Madrasah. He likewise constructed the Hall of Audience.

He assembled his fabulous castle in Timbuktu, which later turned into a focal point of exchange and culture.

The University of Sankore in Timbuktu was restaffed under Musa’s rule with legal advisers, space experts, and mathematicians. It was fit for lodging 25,000 understudies and had perhaps the biggest library on the planet with approximately 1,000,000 original copies.

Mansa Musa was hitched to Inari Kuante. His child and replacement, Mansa Magha Keita was delegated appointee during his journey. Musa’s child Maghan controlled Mali from 1337 to 1341. Very little depiction of his own life is accessible.

Mansa Musa died in c. 1337 matured 56 or 57. Notwithstanding, his demise date is bantered among current antiquarians. Contrasting the rule of his replacements, his demise is determined in 1337. A few records proclaim Musa’s demise before long got back from Mecca.