Developed by a small team of industry veterans that have previously worked at studios such as Disney Interactive, Electronic Arts, and Ubisoft, A Fold Apart is a more-than competent puzzle game with a big heart. It’s about long-distance relationships and how people “navigate the complexities” inherent to those relationships. Considering the world we currently live in, it’s more relevant than ever before.

Gameplay in AFA revolves around solving puzzles by folding paper, where the stages are the actual sheets of paper. Edges can be folded from side to side and from top to bottom. Stages can be flipped over and upside down. Emotions are made tangible by the stages and puzzles themselves, and the world is filled with beautiful art. It’s a unique take on the genre, and it’s one that has received tons of praise from critics and players alike.  

Featuring over 50 stages (puzzles), the game takes about four hours to complete. 

I’ve spoken at length about A Fold Apart in my review for the game, as well as in my PAX 2020 preview. So be sure to check those out if you want to know more about the game’s intricacies and why it’s a timeless indie gem. Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more on awesome games like A Fold Apart.